Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Case of the not so EX

I don't know that this is normal or not, but for me it has in fact been the consistent. I haven't had a long term boyfriend in years, but I have had long-term relationships. I mean some would argue that even without the titles, these men in my life have been somewhat of an important factor in making me the woman that I am today, the same way any relationship would. The problem with the lack of titles is that people do not understand why it is that one would get upset when finding out that this person has moved on, gotten married, expecting a child, etc...

The fact is, just because these men were not my boyfriends, that does not mean that I cared for them any less than I would have had they have been a title. In fact I would say that most of my best relationships had no need for a title. The one that had the biggest title actually meant the least, so this goes back to Shakespeare and his whole, "what's in a name" issue. The question I am posing today is this: Do you think it is possible to have an ex that was never a boyfriend?

Perfect example. There was a guy I was friends with. We never actually became boyfriend and girlfriend because the timing was never right, we didn't want to mess with our friendship, blah, blah, blah...there were a thousand different excuses. Regardless, I still loved him because he was my friend. I entertained the idea of loving him in a different way and did not realize that I actually did until I found out that he was getting married. If he was just my friend and I didn't think of him in any other kind of way, then why couldn't I just be happy for him? Instead, I moped around for a few days and then decided that I would just have to be happy for him and that the possibility of he and I was just never going to happen. I was so good at this that I actually had myself convinced that I was happy for him, so long as he was happy. That was until I got the phone call.

After five years of our first attempt at whatever that was, and four years of his now failed marriage, the two of us started talking again. This time I thought, "maybe this is it"! Obviously timing was a concern again, as I did not want to be the "rebound" girl, but he was one of the most amazing men I had ever met and I already loved him as a person and knew that in my heart he was someone that I would want to have a family with and grow old with. He was the only person that I had ever considered this to be an option with. I did not tell him this, but in my head I believed that there was a reason that after all this time he and I were supposed to be together and that this was all part of God's plan. I promise after all was said and done, this was not God's plan, but instead I suppose a lesson to be learned.

He ended up breaking my heart in a way that I cannot even begin to explain. I thought he was sincere in all things that he had said because he wasn't just, "some guy" he was my friend and we respected each other. I had known him since I was 16, so it wasn't something new. I had always pictured my husband being my best friend, so to me this was perfect. But obviously not perfect for him. I loved him, that I can't deny, but how could he have broken my heart if he was never my boyfriend? People didn't understand and I didn't know how to explain it. To me it made sense. I knew what I was feeling, but nobody else got it.

So I did the typical girl thing, where you go through the different emotions like 50 times a day. I was mad, I was sad. I listened to a lot of Eminem and Alanis Morisette on my mad days and more Toni Braxton, "Unbreak My Heart" kind of music on my sad days. Did I have a right to be this hurt without having ever been his girlfriend? After a few weeks, I finally started to feel like myself again, and it didn't hurt so much everyday. Wasn't this the same thing that all of my friends went through when they had a break-up? Pretty sure it was. So it's like we broke-up without ever having been together. Weird...

In that five year gap of him getting married and me finishing up with school, I met another guy. This had bad written all over it from the beginning, but there was something about him. Truly only God gets this one and at times, even I am confused as to why I felt the way that I did about him, but this too I could not deny. I really LIKED him. I met him right before my 22nd birthday and he's kind of been in my life ever since then. We became friends, but kissy friends. As the years progressed and we saw each other less, I would say we actually developed a real friendship and started to care about one another for more than just flirtatious reasons.

This one had girlfriends off and on throughout our friendship, but our relationship remained fairly consistent  We flirted and would sometimes talk about what it might be like if we were ever to date, but that was it. Nothing more than passive conversation was ever had about us having an actual relationship, you know titles and all. So finally after three years of extreme sexual tension and insane amounts of flirting, I couldn't do it anymore and passive wasn't going to work for me so I just asked, why were we not more than friends and after several minutes of dancing around the question, I decided that I was done because I couldn't do this anymore. But, what couldn't I do anymore? He wasn't my boyfriend...what exactly was I ending? I'm not 100% sure, but I can tell you that when it was done, I felt a void, so obviously something ended.

Skip to now, boy number one is going to have a baby and the night I found out about that I cried. I cried because deep down I guess a part of me still believed that maybe, one day, he and I would have that. Instead, he is going to have that with somebody else. I think it was the finality in it that hurt the most. I do know one thing though, he is going to be an amazing father. Guy number two and I have remained friends and who knows, my BFF Eric swears that somebody (even though he really doesn't want it to happen) that it will, maybe not for long, but it will. I for one have no idea.

These are two prime examples of the relationships, or lack there of that I have had in my life the last, say five years. These are the men of my twenties, so far and where some may argue they weren't real relationships because they were not my boyfriends, I can argue the other side. The feelings, emotions, hurt, etc...all those things that I felt were real so maybe the relationships were too. What do you think?

Love Always,
Cassandra B.
"The Other C.B."

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Sex & the City-ish!

Today allow me to go ahead and introduce myself. I think it's the polite thing to do. Here's a little background info about me! I am 25, with a Master's degree in journalism from the Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Oklahoma (Boomer Sooner!). I also have a bachelor's degree from Northeastern State University in mass communication, with an emphasis in broadcast journalism and a minor in communication studies. So what all does that say about me? Basically, that I love to write and talk...hahaha!

I graduated a little over a year ago, and like most American's in this economic drought, it was not until recently that I was able to find a "real" job. And as you also may have guessed it, it is not in my field of study. I do enjoy the job and can pull things that I learned in school to help me with it, but I'm not anchoring for a news station, writing for a newspaper, or really any closer to becoming the next Chelsea Handler or female version of Ryan Seacrest. With that said, I am very greatful to have been hired and that it is somewhere I am happy at. What can I say, the Lord works in mysterious ways.

Why tell you all of this? It's simple really, I want you to understand why I am posting this blog and what it is all about! I miss being a journalist, it's who I am! Our whole lives we think about, "what am I going to be when I grow up?". My list is numerous, I was going to be an actress, a pop-sensation, a performer, a TV show host. No matter what it was it had to do with something in the realm of entertainment. I love pop culture, and my best friend Eric will be the first to tell you, when it comes to news, I can tell one everything there is to know about "fake news" and here lately (in a long long time), nothing that's going on in the real world (really sad for a journalism major, I know...I know!), but hey give me some credit. I am simply trying to be honest.

Palin & Bradshaw (get why I call her that now? Haha).
So the idea of this blog came to me about a month ago, but due to the start of a new career and trying to move, it has been put on hold...until now! My friend Tarina and I have nicknames for one another. I call her Palin (I'll post a pic and you can clearly see why) and she calls me  Bradshaw. That one may be less clear to some.

She calls me this because, I use to write a column for my college paper, The Northeastern. It was one of my favorite things to do. I also love anything that sparkles. I love shoes, writing, purses and I am all that is feminine! I believe one should embrace being a woman because it is a wonderful/beautiful thing. So in a nut-shell she calls me Bradshaw  because even though my life is not nearly as eventful as that of the fictional character from HBO's hit sitcom, there are in fact some similarities.

While planning for Palin's bridal shower/bachelorette party, that was of course Sex & the City themed. I was posting on her Facebook wall something about it and it occured to me that Carrie Bradshaw and myself, both have the exact same initials. So I thought to myself, how can I make this applicable to my life? Naturally I came to the conclusion to write. Just like the ficticious columnist in the show.

I do not pretend that I am the fashionista that is Miss SJP, or that I could even begin to pull off some of the things that she does, but I can appreciate and love some things about her. This is my passion and one that I hope not to lose, so even though I am not getting paid to do this, nor am I building up my employment resume', I am doing what I love. I hope that you will follow me as I continue to write about whatever it is that moves me throughout the days, weeks, months and maybe even years of my life.

This blog or column is my new "fun for me" project and one that hope someone will find, read and love as much as I do. That is it for now, but I promise there are new and exciting things to come. Keep looking and I'll keep posting!

                                                                                                            Love Always,
Cassandra B.
"The Other C.B."